Through our pioneering technology, we simplify the selection process, providing landlords with a reliable tool to assess tenants.
To foster good-faith relationships between landlords and tenants, we have launched this product to seek answers to questions such as "Is my tenant following the contract terms?" (Landlord) or "Could this property be the long-awaited home?" (Tenant). Now you can find out by using this platform.
Register as a Landlord or Estate Agent to access a suite of tools designed to streamline property management and tenant engagement.
Post the location for which you want to find tenant(s).Simply provide details about the location.
Invite prospective tenant(s) to sign up on the platform to help them build their rental score.
You can request the tenant's scoring report if they are a user on the platform (verified with a single click).
If the prospective tenant(s) is a new user, have them create a free account to secure a reliable tenant(s) for your property.
During the tenancy contract, the platform will generate a rental score in real time based on tenants' rent payments.
Both landlords and tenants can enjoy easier communication. Landlords can more easily choose reliable tenants, while tenants can find their dream home thanks to the history created on the platform. There is the possibility to track, monitor, and manage tenant payments.
Utilize the invitation link sent by the landlord or estate agent to create your tenant account seamlessly. This streamlined process connects you directly to the property you're interested in, setting the stage for a smooth rental experience.
As a tenant, receive and accept invitations from landlords for your applied locations, simplifying the process of securing your next rental home.
Through the scoring report generated by the platform, you become a trusted tenant and will now have priority in being selected for future locations to which you apply.
Empowered with a Dispute Option, you can challenge any inaccuracies in the information provided by the landlord. This feature ensures transparency and fairness in your rental experience.
Do you have a good scoring report?
The scoring report garnered through this platform will enhance your priority in securing a future location.
Review Rental Scores on reliable tenants
Optimize and significantly reduce the time allocated for property management. You can manage an unlimited number of properties.